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Banner Creation and Hosting
Having total control of your banners is essential to a professional marketing campaign. There is not much worse than a "Blank Banner Space" because the site you are advertising has gone down or taken the banner down.
It is also important to keep your banners "fresh and interesting" Using the same banners as everyone else means that your campaign is easily lost in the crowd.
You need to be BOLD, Make a STATEMENT and STAND OUT from the crowd.
So having the means to create, update and host your banners is essential.
Below you will find the sites I use and I recommend them to you.
The beauty about this hosting site is that each banners url is permanent. You can change and update the banner as much as you like. The banner address (url) stays the same. So now you don't need to remember where you've posted the banner and then go to each site to edit it. You edit it here and it is automatically updated everywhere.
For example I update my banners each time I receive a payment. I create a new banner using InstantBannerCreator or Power Point then upload it to replace the old banner.
I also like to change the banner's wording and colours so that they stay fresh. Now it's easy to do.
Yibbida Ad System
1:1 Banner Exchange
10,000 FREE banner impressions - Register Today

Shamless Bribe
1000 views @ ClickVoyager + Much More to Join ASN 100% Free Start Earning in 30 min
STOP Promoting LOW Paying Af/Sites
The Google Collective
Everything Google. Corporate information, News from Google, Google+ Pages directory, More
Your Chance Is Inside !!
Are you dreaming BIG enough ? I do ! Be with me .
Space available