ShurAds New & Improved

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The All NEW and IMPROVED ShurAds
Superb Advertising and Earning Platform

Not only do you get, GUARANTEED, 100% open rate on all your solos you also get deeply discounted rates on all advertising.
On top of that there are up to 6 different ways that you, as a pro affiliate, (From as little as $4.50) can earn DAILY.
1. When you review mail ads ($0.005 per ad)
2. When your referrals review mail ads (100% Match)
3. When your mail ads are reviewed by affiliates
4. When your mail ads are reviewed OFF-SITE from non-members
5. Daily Global Rewards Program
6. Global Rewards Match (From 20% up to 100%)
I UpGraded to Bronze ($4.50) and within 2 weeks I had already earned $4.80 which is more than the cost of the UpGrade.
I have since paid every upgrade from my earnings so my account is now "free".
Click ->>here<<- for an overview of the current state of my account.
Click ->>here<<- for a screenshot of my full account. I have earned $66.37 in total and have been able to maintain this account entirely from earnings.
As you can see, I am earning much more in PASSIVE INCOME ($15.77) than from my own clicks ($5.00).
I think that the figures speak for themselves. It PAYS to upgrade.

Do Not delay. Join Now. Take the upgrade. Get some referrals and start to PROFIT.
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